Saturday, April 30, 2016

Part 7: Working with Citrix XenApp 6.5 – Configuring Web Client

Let’s configure the web access so that we can use remote devices to access the published applications.

Configuring Web Access:

Let’s begin by opening Citrix Web Interface Management
wcOnce opened, we’ll need to create a new site, right click on XenApp Web Sites and select Create Site

wc1Next, we need specify some IIS settings for the website, in my case, I just changed the Name to XenApp1
wc2Based on the infrastructure, we need to correctly chose how we’re going to be authenticating. For example, are we going to use an Access Gateway or Active Directory Federation Services? Is there another third party solution that is currently in place? these are some of the considerations that we must make. In this example however, I’ll be using the web interface as the authentication point
wc3Confirm the new site settings
wc4Check configure this site now and click Next
wc5Specify the Farm name, servers or server, and change the XML Service Port from 80 to 8080 and click Next
wc6Chose the authentication method and click Next. Again, this is dependent on your infrastructure. In my lab, I just chose Explicit (Default)
wc7At the next screen, we have the option of restricting access to users to a specific domain/domains or all any domains. This is something that will also depend on your infrastructure and again, in my lab, I chose to restrict domains to the following: Contoso
wc8I chose to use the full logon screen appearance
wc9For Published Resource Type, I chose Dual mode (Online and Offline)
wc10Confirm the settings and click Finish
wc11Now, we should be able to access the web interface
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