Saturday, April 30, 2016

Application Streaming Utilities

This utility is used to change the client cache location or the maximum cache size. By default, when applications are streamed the target is extracted and cached in the \Program Files\Citrix\RadeCache directory. The default size of the client cache is 1024 megabytes (MB), which is equal to one gigabyte (GB). This tool is executed on the computer with the Streaming Client installed; it is located in the \Program Files\Citrix\Streaming Client directory. To run this utility, browse to the \Streaming Client directory and click the clientcache.exe executable.
More details about this tool can be found in CTX112526 – Citrix Application Streaming Guide – EN.
This utility is used to re-create the streaming offline license access database on the server running Presentation Server. This database may need to be re-created if corruption is suspected. The database is called radeoffline.mdb and is located in the \Program Files\Citrix\Independent Management Architecture directory. This database exists on each server running Presentation Server in the farm. This utility is included with the Presentation Server installation. To run this utility, stop the Citrix Independent Management Architecture service, open a command prompt on the server running Presentation Server, and issue the dsmaint recreaterade command.
This utility is used to flush the cached files or registry entries on the client computer. It is located on the computer with Streaming Client 1.1 installed. At the command line, browse to the \Program Files\Citrix\Streaming Client directory and issue the command using the syntax below:
radecache [options] /flush:”
Options for this command:
-i = flush install root, files, and registry
-if = flush install root, files only
-ir = flush install root, registry only
-u = flush user root, files and registry
-uf = flush user root, files only
-ur = flush user root, registry only
flush all – radecache /flushall
Usage example:
radecache –i /flush:“adobe”
This utility is used to pre-deploy streamed application packages to a client or server running Presentation Server. Profile pre-deployment helps avoid overloading the file servers and network. During pre-deployment, the profile target is extracted and then copied and executed locally from the\Program Files\Citrix\Deploy directory. The utility is located on the components CD-ROM. To use Radedeploy, copy it to the computer with the Streaming Client installed. Use the syntax described below to run this utility:
radedeploy [-m] /deploy:”\\server\share\app.profile”
This is used to pre-deploy applications to the client. Filename is the .profile file. File names with embedded spaces should be surrounded with quotations (“). 
means to monitor the deployment until the process completes.
radedeploy /enum
radedeploy /delete:BrowserName
The command above is used to delete offline applications that have already been deployed to the client machine in the \Program Files\Citrix\Deploy folder. BrowserName refers to the name of the deployed application to be deleted. The application name (that is, BrowserName) can be found by issuing the radedeploy /enum command and looking under the Name column.

Usage examples
radedeploy /deploy:\\2003Server\packages\adobe\adobe.profile
radedeploy /delete:Adobe
This utility is used to administer streaming offline licenses. It is located on the Presentation Server CD-ROM in the \Support\debug directory. Copy the utility to the server running Presentation Server and run the utility through the command line. Use the syntax described below:
 – removes the offline license for the specified user
/l:[username (or *)]
 – lists the offline license for the specified user or all users if [ * ] is specified
 – lists all of the sessions in the session cache
Usage example
Rademaint OFFLINELICENSE /r:user1

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